Saturday, August 20, 2011

My Style

I absolutely love shopping. Online shopping is the best because I don't have to move, and I have everything at my fingertips. Well, everything except the actual items. I really like feeling the materials, and I like having the opportunity to try things on. Unfortunately, when I do go to stores, I usually go to places like Herald Square, Union Square, and Soho (NYC), and the lines for the dressing rooms are always ridiculous. It makes things difficult. My favorite stores are Forever 21 and H&M. That hasn't changed since I was 16. Some people have the idea that you shouldn't shop in certain stores once you're over a certain age. Well, I don't really have a choice. Women's clothes are made to accommodate all those curves we're supposed to have. I'm shaped like pole, so grown-up clothes tend to be baggy in weird places. Luckily, I'm able to find mature-looking items in any store, even if there are middle schoolers shopping next to me. BUT who wants to look mature all the time? If I have to wear a blazer to work every day, I want to wear fun clothes when I'm off. I don't think there's anything wrong with that.

This is the first time I've ever done a screenshot. I had to research how to do it. It's good to learn new things. I recently discovered this iPhone app called MyStyle. Basically, you take pictures of your clothes, which is very tedious, but once it's done, you can scroll through tops, bottoms and shoes to make outfits. You can also keep another set of pictures for items you want to buy, and there is a calendar to keep track of when you wear each item so you can avoid wearing the same things too often. I don't use all of the features; I just like scrolling. I have quite a lot of clothes, and sometimes I forget certain items. If a friend wants to go to a club, I can filter the clothes and only look at what I've designated as "going out" and decide what to wear. I can let friends pick something they want to borrow even if I'm not at home, and that's great. I love sharing. You can also add layers and accessories. I really love earrings, but I buy most of mine from Claire's so I don't feel bad when I lose them. I always lose them.

My other favorite place to shop is eBay, which is where I found this dress. A lot of people think eBay = used, but that is not the case. It's very simple to limit your search results to only new items. Personally, I don't mind used; there's nothing wrong with hand-me-downs. That's what washing machines are for, right? Through eBay, I find a lot of stores based in Asia. That's good for me because my body shape is more similar to theirs. In addition, their styles are different from ours. I hate when I go out and I see all these women wearing the same thing, leggings + North Face fleece + Ugg boots or romper + gladiator sandals for example. There's a difference between following trends and putting yourself into a mold. Individuality is a good thing. When I'm in NYC, there's quite a wide range of styles, but I also spend a lot of time in Delaware. Whenever I go shopping or out to eat in Delaware, the women are like Stepfords. Then they look at me like I'm so weird because I'm wearing a tight miniskirt with knee-high 4-inch heel boots or a minidress from Asia with platform sandals. Well, this is nothing new to me. When I was younger, we didn't have that much money to buy clothes, so I made do with what I had. I still have the penny-pincher mentality, and eBay can be SUPER inexpensive. Plus they have almost everything. I've bought clothes, shoes, skin products, musical instruments and accessories, computer accessories and books and I've never had to give anyone negative feedback. Not even neutral feedback. If there's a problem, sellers work hard to fix it for you. I love eBay. I also love thrift stores.

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