Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Coney Island Taste

In my mind, I've created a category of food I refer to as "Spanish". I realize this isn't a good term to use because it covers everything from Mexican to Dominican to Ecuadoran, but everyone around me keeps using it and making it more ingrained. The food in this restaurant is actually Peruvian, but when I saw it, my brain went "Ooh! Spanish food!"
Peruvian American? Well obviously I'm not going into an exotic restaurant to get American food.
Maduros! Also known as fried sweet plantains. I love these and I eat them as much as possible. I always get them at "Spanish" restaurants and Chinese restaurants. Yeah, those guys have it, too, oddly enough.
This is something like a tamale, but they called it something else. You can choose which meat you want inside. I chose pork. I don't know why. It's not that I love pork. It's just that I tend to default to pork when I can't make a decision. Chicken in "Spanish" restaurants is often too dry and stringy for me and it gets stuck in every single gap in my teeth.
I guess that's an olive? I tried to eat it. It was unpleasant. I don't know why I tried to eat it when I don't like olives. I must have been tired. I loved the rest of it, probably because the outside is cornmeal. I'm assuming. I'll eat just about anything with corn.
The little things. They bring your silverware in a little basket. That's so cool. I'd love to be eating at this place right now. I'll probably go back if I'm ever in the area again.

1 comment:

  1. There are a good number of Chinese people in South America, which could explain the fried plantains in Chinese restaurants. My parents have Chinese friends in Venezuela, Brazil, and Panama.
