Thursday, December 15, 2011

Irish Breakfast at Baker St

What's cooler than having lunch in a dark Irish pub? Having breakfast for lunch in a dark Irish pub? Yes, I think so. I've never had an Irish breakfast, but one of my facebook friends keeps posting pictures of breakfasts from different cultures. Now I want to try all of them.
I guess they like Sherlock Holmes? It's definitely a cool logo.
I don't really like sausage, and there were two different types on this plate. I didn't eat much of that. Of course, I substituted sweet potato fries for regular fries. Then the whole thing was balanced out with toast, eggs, and baked beans. So much food! I felt like I would explode. Seriously, who eats this much? Well.... me, I guess. I'll totally eat it again if I have another chance.
My lunch buddy had sliders with cottage fries. When I saw that in the menu, I thought "wtf are cottage fries?" Now I know, but I don't think I'll be trying them anytime soon. I like shoestring fries and sweet potato fries best.
My buddy and I had an awesome waitress named Hilary. Ask for her if you decide to go. You won't have to wait a long time for her to bring more coffee. I need my coffee. We also had a chance to speak with the manager. She's super nice, and her accent is fantastic. I like Irish pubs so much better when they're run by actual Irish people and not just Ireland enthusiasts.

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