Monday, March 12, 2012

Dallas BBQ

My mother enjoys having dinner at Dallas BBQ, and I let her convince me to go with her and a friend. To the one in downtown Brooklyn.
My mom and her friend decided to share this monstrosity. It's three different drinks: margarita, appletini and something else, I think. Then there was an extra shot of something on top. I thought they were crazy for drinking that thing.
Veggie burger! Black bean veggie burger, to be exact, with salsa and shredded cheese. And it turns out I really like the fries in this place. They're even good when you microwave them the next day. McDonald's, Burger King and Wendy's can't say that.
My mom and her friend told the waiter they were ready to order food and then sat there looking at the menu like "umm...." So annoying. The place was so packed that we had to wait 45 minutes to get in, and they think he has time to stand there and wait for them. Just call him back when you're ready. Geez.        

This one is cool. It's shrimp, steak AND chicken. I think the third thing is chicken. If I had a bigger capacity for food in my stomach, I might have ordered this.
My mom's catfish. I hate catfish. And cole slaw. Gross.
I thought the food was great, but the atmosphere.... It was just really ghetto. I won't get started on the half-naked girls because I wouldn't be able to stop. I guess cold weather isn't reason enough to cover yourself, or Dallas BBQ is a club. I've heard some of their other locations have a dress code, but not this one. Everyone was so loud. There was hardly a moment without some customer flipping out on one of the employees. Kids were running amok and throwing things and their parents just watched. ALSO this place doesn't have dessert. I was so mad, but it's ok because we went to Red Mango afterwards.

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