Monday, March 12, 2012


Kunjip is the same place where I had dinner on my birthday. It's on that Koreatown block on 32nd St between 5th and 6th Aves.We were lucky enough not to wait in a line going out the door. That happens a lot with this place.
They brought us some weird egg thing, still cooking, of course. We didn't order it, but maybe they're just giving this to everyone now. I don't remember it from past visits. Not my favorite egg dish, but it wasn't bad.
Some sort of bone soup. My friend was having some wild urge to suck bones. I don't know why. And that's practically all she ate, the little bit of meat from the bones. And I was supposed to eat everything else.
Rice and vegetables and spicy pork. REALLY spicy pork. Ok, maybe it was just my wussiness coming out. It was good, though. Spicy pork is always a win.
This tofu soup came with my rice bowl, but I didn't really like it. My friend really like the radishes (on the left), so we had to ask for more.
Of course I also ordered dumplings and my friend ordered that rice cake/ fish cake thing that she never finishes. Everything was mostly fine except for the random 15-minute stretch when no server came near our section. Maybe someone farted. I don't know. Also, the Mexican busboys kept coming out and staring at me. I really hate that, and I don't know what their deal is. It happens everywhere I go. I must be some sort of magnet. I just don't understand why they have to be so creepy.

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