Monday, August 22, 2011

Breakfast of Champions?

People who know me are well aware of my little eating problem. Sometimes I eat only once a day or not at all. Most of the time, I don't get hungry, so I don't realize I haven't eaten. A few people at work are fasting because we are currently in the month of Ramadan according to the Islamic calendar. The non-Muslims are always saying there's no way they could get through the whole day without eating. Well, I do it all the time. If I eat only once, it's usually dinner, so I fast until the sun is down. Unintentionally. In college, I had a Muslim best friend. I always wanted to observe Ramadan with her as a way to offer support because it's difficult doing it without your family, but I never knew when it started because it's a little earlier every year. It snuck up on me again this year. I guess with my recent unexplained weight loss, low blood sugar, low blood pressure, and anemia, it's probably better if I don't fast.
This is what I had for breakfast. I don't usually eat breakfast, but I needed my energy today. My sleep schedule is still a little off, and I keep feeling like I want to sleep during the day. During my first semester of college, I took a required fitness and nutrition class. I learned that one easy way to balance your diet is to make sure all of your food isn't the same color. It isn't a foolproof method, but I think we can all agree that a meal with chicken, potatoes, and rice isn't always the best idea. So I noticed my whole breakfast was basically the same color. I recently started drinking Boost and Ensure to supplement my regular diet (or lack thereof) and try to keep my weight from dropping any more. Even though it has lots of vitamins and minerals, I probably would be better off if I added some source of protein, like eggs or a breakfast meat, and some fresh fruit. I'll definitely try to do that in the future. Maybe you noticed that there is no lactose in this meal. Sometimes I have issues even though I take 1 or 2 lactase pills, so sometimes I like to give my body a break. Also, I absolutely loathe the taste of milk, and Lactaid milk is tasteless. Soy yogurt has a slightly different texture than regular yogurt, but maybe I feel that way because textures can really bother me. It definitely tastes ok. The only cereal we have right now is Rice Crispies. Three boxes. I'll definitely encourage my mother to get healthier cereals in the future.

I actually managed to eat 2 meals today. With dinner, I had fish, green beans, mashed potatoes and corn. I would have taken a picture, but I was half asleep and didn't think about it. However, I thought this meal was more balanced than my breakfast. Normally, what I eat in an entire day is approximately equal to what a normal person eats in one sitting, but I did better than that today. I get full from a very small amount of food, so this is not a regular occurrence. I'm very proud of myself, and I'll try to keep up the good work.

It's always good to congratulate yourself and acknowledge your accomplishments. There is a difference between dwelling on mistakes and learning from mistakes. In my humble opinion, the best course of action is to let go of the mistake and make a promise to yourself that you will do better next time.

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