Saturday, August 20, 2011

Food Myths

I love reading articles about food. Best foods, worst foods, most calories, food myths. A lot of people are so quick to believe everything they hear instead of doing their own research. This prevents cancer. That gives you cancer. This helps you lose weight. Don't eat sugar. Eat sugar. High fructose corn syrup is bad. Only eat raw food. Well, you know what? I eat what I think tastes good, and I'll try anything once. Making my own decisions instead of blindly following the media is something I enjoy. For some reason, whenever I saw Greek yogurt in the grocery store, I imagined it tasted like olives. I don't know why I thought that. I tried it for the first time about a week ago, and it turns out I like it a lot better than regular yogurt. I have a thing about food textures, and yogurt is really pushing it. Thicker Greek yogurt has a much more tolerable texture for me, and I'm so glad I found it. I read that lactose intolerant people should  be able to eat yogurt without ill effects, but that isn't true for me. I'll just have to remember the lactase pills.

While I don't believe everything I read, I still enjoy reading. Also, if you read the same thing in multiple places, that tends to give it more merit. Here are some interesting food myth articles.

Low fat foods make you lose weight and fast food is bad for you. FALSE.

Eggs are bad for your heart and high-fructose corn syrup is worse than sugar. FALSE

Soy: good. Red meat: bad. FALSE.

For the most part, I don't really change what I eat based on this stuff. I like bread and pasta, so I eat bread and pasta. Am I fat? No. Obviously, people shouldn't eat deep-fried butter or a daily Big Mac. It's really just common sense.

I've discovered a few new videos in the past few days. Definitely check them out if they're new to you.

My mom told me about this one. She said, "I thought I put ketchup on everything, but this chick is so much worse!"

The other videos are from Epic Meal Time. I don't want to ruin, so all I'm going to say is pay attention to the calorie counts.



  1. You know my views on hfcs. I hate that stuff and avoid it like the plague. After watching Food Inc, I have no respect at all for fast food restaurants. I blame them for the low quality of meat on the market and the consumer demand for cheap meat. It hasn't switched me over to becoming a vegetarian. I love meat too much, but it has given me a new sense of awareness.

    Greek yogurt is yummy. I think I tried to convince you to eat some since I bought a huge 24 pack from Costco. Yogurt and ice cream don't bother my stomach so much. Cheese and milk hurt me like no other. Lactase pill to the rescue!

  2. Yes, I'm well aware of your views, but I have yet to hear a reason for it. To me, "because it's bad" isn't a reason by itself. Maybe an explanation for exactly what's bad about it would suffice.
